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  • Dipartimento di Dietetica e Nutrizione


It is a research centre made up of highly qualified dieticians and nutritional biologists who develop dietary protocols for the treatment of physiological and pathological states.

It is a community for sharing knowledge in nutrition.
It is the control body against so-called 'food hoaxes'. It was set up to deal with misinformation and to validate the "scientific truth", as well as to encourage the emergence of a critical sense, a conscious intelligence capable of unmasking false alarmism.

It is a continuous training centre, set up to transfer the latest scientific findings and their value to health professionals with in-company and local courses and online video courses.

Because we believe in scientific truth.



Members of the Mediplant Department of Dietetics and Nutrition 

Dr Chiara Fiorino
Dietitian, Nutritionist Biologist and Head of Department

Degree in Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine.
Degree in Human Nutrition Sciences.
Coaching Course - Strategic Orientation.

Dr Rosanna Micalizzi
Nutritionist Biologist. Research and development manager

Degree in Biological Sciences.
Master's Degree in Applied Biology and Nutrition Sciences.
Master in Dietetics and Nutrition.
Master in Nutraceuticals, Phytotherapics and Food Supplements.

Dr Valentina Bruno

Degree in Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine.

Dr Sonia Dattolo

Bachelor's degree in Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine.
Degree in Human Nutrition Sciences.
Master in Molecular Nutrition.
Advanced course in phytotherapy.

Dr Martina Di Caterina
Nutritionist biologist

Degree in Food Science and Technology.
Master's Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition.
Postgraduate training in Human Nutrition.
Master in Eating Disorders.

Dott.ssa Mimma Zimarra
Nutritionist Biologist

Bachelor's degree in General and Applied Biology.
Master's Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition.