Why the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is a lifestyle, more than just a list of foods.

The Mediterranean diet is a nutritional model inspired by the traditional eating styles of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

Scientists from all over the world have been studying it since the 1950s and even today it remains one of the diets that, in combination with a healthy lifestyle, has a positive influence on our health.

For Italy, the Mediterranean diet is an excellent model of healthy and sustainable nutrition.

In addition, the association between the Mediterranean Diet and longevity has been repeatedly demonstrated. Several studies have confirmed that adherence to the Mediterranean Diet can reduce the risk of all-cause mortality.

The Mediterranean food pyramid

At the base of the food pyramid are lots of vegetables, some fruit and cereals (preferably wholegrain). Moving upwards, we find milk and low-fat derivatives (such as yoghurt) in 2-3 portions of 125 ml. Extra virgin olive oil, to be consumed raw without exaggerating (3-4 tablespoons a day), together with garlic, onion, spices and aromatic herbs, instead of salt, are the best seasonings for our Mediterranean-style dishes. Other good fats besides oil are provided by nuts in one or two 30g portions.


Towards the top of the food pyramid, there are foods that should be eaten not every day, but weekly: those that provide mainly protein, among which we should favour fish and pulses with at least two portions each per week, poultry 2-3 portions, eggs 1 to 4 per week, cheese no more than a couple of 100 g portions, 50 g if they are mature.


At the top of the pyramid are foods to be eaten in moderation: two portions or less per week for red meat (100 g), while processed meats (cold cuts, salami, etc.) should be eaten even more sparingly (one portion per week of 50 g or less). Finally, sweets and alcohol should be consumed as little as possible.

Where can the Torna in forma programme be followed?

In all the qualified centres in Italy: pharmacies, parapharmacies
and specialised herbalist's shops that have joined the wellness project.
Find the centre closest to you!