



Hi Sonia, what problems did you have because you were overweight?

I gained a lot of weight after we got married, as we all do, right?

Everyday movements had become a problem because I was always short of breath, and I didn't see myself as the Sonia I used to be, which made me feel bad.

What made you decide to go to a Torna in forma centre?

My brother was going to get married soon, I didn't want to appear in overweight photos, so I decided that I would change my life, all in a matter of minutes really (laughs)! I was already a customer at the Parafarmacia In Salute in Rutigliano and Dr. Margherita Deliso advised me very gently and professionally on a really reliable programme.

What features were you looking for in a slimming programme?

With all the things I have to do every day, I wanted it to be easy to follow and not disrupt my life and that of my family. I also wanted it to teach me about proper nutrition and, last but not least, to be serious and professional.

Did you enjoy losing weight with the Torna in forma programme?

Very pleasant! The complicity that was created with the owner of the shop (Parafarmacia In Salute) Margherita Deliso, with the nutritionist Claudia Loconte and with the other girls gave me the strength to face everything without effort, but rather with a newfound joy.

How has your life changed after following the Torna in forma slimming programme?

Feeling good is the most beautiful thing there can be, and after Torna in forma I can say that my life has changed for the better! Looking in the mirror and finding what you look at beautiful, you tell me if that's not fantastic.

Would you recommend Torna in forma to your friends and family?

I have already recommended it to my family, friends and people in the village. Thanks to Dr. Margherita's sweet words and smiles, losing weight was not so bad.

  • First nameSonia
  • Age41
  • PhenotypeGynoid
  • CityRutigliano (BA)
  • ProfessionHousewife
  • Qualified centreParafarmacia In Salute Rutigliano (BA)
  • Previous weight78,3 kg
  • Current weight72,8
  • Course duration4 months
  • Previous size48
  • Size achieved44