


Hi Rosa, what problems did you have because you were overweight?

An extra 18 kilos can be felt on our skeleton! I felt tired all the time and even going to the shops or climbing four steps made me breathless.

What made you decide to go to a Torna in forma centre?

About a year ago I had the medical check-up that changed my life. After examining me, the doctor looked me in the eye and seriously told me that I should lose weight - my health depended on it! So, I decided to embark on a health journey and went to Dr Margherita's Parapharmacy to follow Torna in forma.

What features were you looking for in a slimming programme?

I was looking for a programme that would guarantee me seriousness, safety and professionalism, and I found these features in Mediplant Torna in forma programme and in the expertise of Dr Margherita and Claudia.

Was it pleasant to lose weight with the Torna in forma programme?

Definitely enjoyable! In the beginning, weighing food didn't weigh me down at all, on the contrary, thanks to the weighing I was able to see the quantities of food and this still helps me to maintain myself and not go overboard.

How has your life changed since following the Torna in forma slimming programme?

First of all, I've regained my health. After losing those extra kilos, I can say that I'm feeling good. Then of course I regained my self-esteem and the pleasure of dressing well.

Would you recommend Torna in forma to your friends and family?

Certainly, and I've obviously already done it.

  • First nameRosa
  • Age38
  • PhenotypeIntermediate android tendency
  • CityRutigliano (BA)
  • ProfessionHousewife
  • Qualified centreParafarmacia In Salute Rutigliano (BA)
  • Previous weight92 kg
  • Current weight74 kg
  • Course duration6 months
  • Previous size52
  • Size achieved46