
Hi Mariangela, what problems did you have because you were overweight?

I always felt bloated and not very agile, so even two storeys would put a strain on my breath.

What made you decide to go to a Torna in forma centre?

It was seeing the results of friends who were already successfully following the Torna in forma programme that really encouraged me. The decisive aspect was knowing that it's not just a diet, but a real dietary education without any particular restrictions.

What features were you looking for in a slimming programme?

Above all, I was looking for a programme without any particular restrictions, but one that would help me eat in a balanced way.

Did you enjoy losing weight with the Torna in forma programme?

Yes, Torna in forma taught me how to take care of myself, how to pamper myself. I have a tight schedule all week and this used to lead me to neglect my meals. Thanks to Torna in forma, I have started to prepare them with care and I magically find the time.

How has your life changed since following the Torna in forma slimming programme?

I feel different, my appearance has changed, but also the way I eat every day, I'm much more careful now!

Would you recommend Torna in forma to your friends and family?

Of course, and everyone trusts me, seeing the results I've achieved!

  • First nameMariangela
  • AgeNon si dice!
  • PhenotypeGynoid
  • CityRutigliano (BA)
  • ProfessionSpecialist assistant
  • Qualified centreParafarmacia In Salute Rutigliano (BA)
  • Previous weight73,3 kg
  • Current weight64 kg
  • Course duration5 months
  • Previous size46
  • Size achieved40