Maria and Ignazio minus 33 kg in two

Maria and Ignazio are a couple from Mazara del Vallo (TP).

Together, thanks to the Torna in forma programme and the support of Erboristeria Lungavita in Mazara del Vallo (TP), they have managed to lose 9 kg (her) and 24 kg (him).

  • First nameMaria and Ignazio minus 33 kg in two
  • Age54 e 56
  • PhenotypeGynoid and Android
  • CityMazara del Vallo (TP)
  • ProfessionSchool assistant and Blacksmith
  • Qualified centreErboristeria Lungavita - Mazara del Vallo (TP)
  • Previous weight68 and 104
  • Current weight57 and 80
  • Course duration6 months
  • Previous size46 e 56
  • Size achieved42 e 52