
Hi Luisa, what problems did you have due to being overweight?

I felt uncomfortable because I could no longer wear the clothes I wore before my pregnancy.

What made you decide to go to the Torna in forma Centre?

After my pregnancy I wanted to see myself fit again.

What features were you looking for in a slimming programme?

Effective, safe and simple.

Did you enjoy losing weight with the Torna in forma programme?

Yes, absolutely!

How has your life changed since following the Torna in forma slimming programme?

For the better, I finally feel and look good.

Would you recommend Torna in forma to your friends and family?

Yes, in fact I've already involved a number of people who, seeing me change, have become curious and have already gone to the Torna in forma centre in Marigliano, the Parafarmacia Il Bimbo.

  • First nameLuisa
  • Age32
  • PhenotypeAndroid
  • CityMarigliano (NA)
  • ProfessionSaleswoman
  • Qualified centreParafarmacia Il Bimbo Marigliano (NA)
  • Previous weight89 kg
  • Current weight63 kg
  • Course duration11 months
  • Previous size52
  • Size achieved44