


Hi Isabella, what problems did you have because you were overweight?

I always felt short of breath, lacking the energy for everyday activities, and this exhaustion didn't help me with any sporting activities.

What made you decide to go to a Torna in forma centre?

I couldn't see myself well, I could never find a dress that fitted me well, those annoying little rolls were always coming out!

What features were you looking for in a slimming programme?

Above all, I was looking for a programme that didn't make me hungry, without absurd restrictions, but with a balanced diet that could be maintained even after the programme was over.

Did you enjoy losing weight with the Torna in forma programme?

Very much so. Every day I learnt new things: how to make portions, which foods I prefer for my snacks and which cooking methods I use to maintain a low glycemic index.

How has your life changed since following the Torna in forma slimming programme?

I like myself so much and I can finally wear what I want!

Would you recommend Torna in forma to your friends and family?

Yes, if I can do it, everyone can do it! Good luck!

  • First nameIsabella
  • Age55
  • PhenotypeGynoid
  • CityPalo del Colle (BA)
  • ProfessionHousewife
  • Qualified centreErboristeria Il Melograno Palo del Colle (BA)
  • Previous weight74 kg
  • Current weight61 kg
  • Course duration8 months
  • Previous size50
  • Size achieved44