



Hi Giovanna, what problems did you have due to being overweight?
I always felt heavy, in my clothes and in my everyday activities. It was precisely because of this feeling of heaviness that I moved very little and was always out of breath, even when I went shopping!

What made you decide to go to a Torna in forma centre?
I felt too bloated, my clothes didn't fit properly and I wanted to get back to my old shape.

What features were you looking for in a slimming programme?
Above all, I was looking for a simple programme, with normal recipes, with bread and pasta, I didn't want food to be taken away from me for no real reason. I was also looking for a programme that was suitable for the whole family.

Did you enjoy losing weight with the Torna in forma programme?
It certainly was! I didn't suffer from hunger. On the contrary, I learned how to portion out food for myself and my family in a healthy way without going overboard.

How has your life changed since you started the Torna in forma programme?
A lot! I feel better and healthier.

Would you recommend Torna in forma to your friends and family?
Yes, I have already recommended it to my friends and they are already following it at the Parafarmacia In Salute with great results.

  • First nameGiovanna
  • Age43
  • PhenotypeGynoid
  • CityRutigliano (BA)
  • ProfessionHousewife
  • Qualified centreParafarmacia In Salute Rutigliano (BA)
  • Previous weight66,20 kg
  • Current weight49,80 kg
  • Course duration4 months
  • Previous size46
  • Size achieved40