
Hi Emilia, what problems did you have due to being overweight?

Mostly fatigue, I couldn't climb stairs. I didn't accept myself anymore and I was always in a bad mood. I also found it difficult to choose a shirt, I always had to go to old-fashioned shops for comfortable sizes that didn't reflect my tastes.

What made you decide to go to a Torna in forma centre?

I couldn't look at myself in the mirror any more, my weight had become a real problem for me.

What were the characteristics you were looking for in a slimming programme?

Professionalism, helpfulness, simplicity in the dietary re-education process.

Did you enjoy losing weight with the Torna in forma programme?

Yes, of course. It was very enjoyable and also fun because I undertook the programme together with my closest friends and each time it was a challenge and a moment of 'healthy' competition. Participating together helped me a lot, in fact it was a brake on transgressions whenever we went out together.

How has your life changed since following the Torna in forma slimming programme?

My life has changed for the better from both a health and psychological point of view: my mood has definitely changed for the better. I have much more confidence in myself and I can look at myself in the mirror with satisfaction and serenity.

Would you recommend Torna in forma to your friends and family?

Yes, of course. I have recommended the Torna in forma centre to my closest friends and we are now completing this wonderful journey together.

  • First nameEmilia
  • AgeNon si dice!
  • PhenotypeAndroid
  • CityMolfetta (BA)
  • ProfessionHousewife
  • Qualified centreErboristeria Il Magico Giardino Molfetta (BA)
  • Previous weight95 kg
  • Current weight78,5 kg
  • Course duration1 year
  • Previous size52
  • Size achieved44